Displaying results 1 - 11 of 11.
JDK 1.2.2 Glossary ( source javadoc JDK documentation)
[ Glossary Builder: Maribel Pérez García,
No. of Definitions: 22,091 ]
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Oracle Applications r11 Message Reference
[ Glossary Builder: ronald,
No. of Definitions: 13,588 ]
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Oracle8 Server Error Messages
Compiled from Oracle8 Error Messages - Release 8.0.4 (A58312-01) available at http://www.oracle.com. Contains the message groups: DBA, DRG, EPC, EPCW, EXP, LCC, LFI, MDSQL, MOD, NMP, NMS, NNC, NNF, NNL, NNO, NPL, O2F, O2I, O2I, O2U, ORA, OVS, PCC, PCF, PLS, RMAN, SQL*Loader, SQL, TNS, VAC, VAG, VAI, VAR, VAS, VAX, VIR, VMM, VMS, VMT, VOC, VOD, VOJ, XP. Provided for Oracle Professional - http://www.oracleprofessionalnewsletter.com. Build 3 (2001.07.18)
[ Glossary Builder: Pedro Bizarro,
No. of Definitions: 8,464 ]
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Online-Glossar: Internet, Grafik, CAD, EDV, IT
Online-Glossar und -Lexikon in Sachen Internet, EDV allg., Grafik, Bildverarbeitung, Video, CAD, Multimedia und Arcchitektur. WICHTIG: das ganze Glossar kann downgeloadet werden und darf kostenlos auch in firmeninternen Intranets eingesetzt werden.
[ Glossary Builder: Alfons Oebbeke,
No. of Definitions: 2,940 ]
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Novell glossary
[ Glossary Builder: Claudio Porcellana,
No. of Definitions: 2,492 ]
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Fonctions PHP
Index des fonctions PHP. Syntaxe, description et lien vers la documentation officielle française ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Référence : Documentation officielle Française (http://www.nexen.net) Traduction effectuée par Damien Seguy Auteurs de la doc PHP : Stig Sæther Bakken, Alexander Aulbach, Egon Schmid, Jim Winstead, Lars Torben, Wilson, Rasmus Lerdorf, Zeev Suraski, Andrei Zmievski, Jouni Ahto
[ Glossary Builder: Aurélien TELLIER,
No. of Definitions: 1,691 ]
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Sven's Eng.=>Swe. Computer Terms
Computer Software and Hardware terms, English=>Swedish, Work in Progress.
[ Glossary Builder: Sven Petersson,
No. of Definitions: 1,171 ]
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Vb Glossary 1.0
Visual Basic Words defination Hope U will get Everything You Need To Learn
[ Glossary Builder: Shahab Ali,
No. of Definitions: 644 ]
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Code Analysis
A glossary of terms related to some aspects of code reversing and MS Windows internals.
[ Glossary Builder: Oktawian Powazka,
No. of Definitions: 324 ]
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Panda Software Glosario
Definiciones técnicas relacionadas con los virus y los antivirus, imprescindibles para conocerlos mejor y protegerse de su ataque.
[ Glossary Builder: Panda Software,
No. of Definitions: 239 ]
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The CD Recordable Glossary
A glossary of terms related to the newest CD-Recording software
[ Glossary Builder: Jean Paul Avery,
No. of Definitions: 115 ]
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