Occult & Mysticism Dictionaries

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Displaying results 1 - 13 of 13.


Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary A dictionary of words and expressions relating to theosophy, philosophy and mystical terms . This electronic version of the Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary is presented to the public as a work in progress. This glossary is represented by the Theosophical Society in Pasadena : www.theosociety.org/pasadena/etgloss/etg-hp.htm and the Theosophical Society in Israel www.theosophia.co.il More...
[ Glossary Builder: Rakefet, No. of Definitions: 5,734 ]
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English Hebrew Paganism

English Hebrew Dictionary for Pagan Religions, Mythology, Wicca, Folklore, Magic and Witchcraft. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Carmit Mizrahi, No. of Definitions: 2,262 ]
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מילון אבן ספיר

מילון מונחים בחכמת הקבלה של המקובל הרב יהודה אשלג. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Glossary, No. of Definitions: 1,747 ]
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Español, términos de magia, brujeria, astrologia, etc. México More...
[ Glossary Builder: Roberto Borja García, No. of Definitions: 1,427 ]
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Angels , names of angles

most names of angels and some info on them... cotact me at [email protected] for comment . More...
[ Glossary Builder: Khalid, No. of Definitions: 645 ]
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Armin Zoroastrian terms

The Good Religion Of Zarathushtra is for all mankind.Study it, choose it, become Zoroastrian in its full meaning,and join the Assembly to practice and spread it. Zarathushtra has left us his entire Message in seventeen songs, called the Gatha," a pocket book of guidelines. NOW THE GATHAS ARE IN AVAILABLE. FOR READING THEM, PLEASE SEE " GATHA" IN THIS GLOSSARY www.zoroaster7.persianblog.com More...
[ Glossary Builder: Armin, No. of Definitions: 626 ]
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Dream Symbols

This is an extensive dictionary of symbols useful for identifying the subject matter of a dream. The dictionary includes general locations along with locations and devices in houses and buildings. The descriptions for many symbols include links to other pages on the site. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Michael Sheridan, No. of Definitions: 398 ]
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Book of Shadows

My personal Book of Shadows in a form of a dictionary. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Harry Upmal, No. of Definitions: 351 ]
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Glossary of Astrological Terms

Comprehensive on-line glossary of the words and phrases used in Astrology, from the most obscure, such as Alfridaria to the relatively well-known, such as Zodiac. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Rob Tillett, No. of Definitions: 323 ]
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Occult dictionary More...
[ Glossary Builder: IshIti, No. of Definitions: 220 ]
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Lexique de tarot

Lexique du tarot (le jeu) comportant présentement les définitions de 190 mots et expressions. cette version préliminaire comporte certes des erreurs. N'hésitez pas à m'envoyer vos corrections et vos nouvelles définitions.Pour de plus amples infos, consultez: http://www.dynahost.net/sports/elc/lexique_de_tarot.htm More...
[ Glossary Builder: Eric Le Chasseur, No. of Definitions: 200 ]
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[ Glossary Builder: Shahrzad, No. of Definitions: 103 ]
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Tarot Cards

Reading the Tarot cards and their messages. More...
[ Glossary Builder: Tarot in Ten Minutes by R.T.Kaser, No. of Definitions: 78 ]
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